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22 Mai 2024
Next generation biosensing devices based on semiconductor image sensors

Sebastian Wachsmann-Hogiu
Departamentului de Bioinginerie, Universitatea McGill, Montreal, Canada
#biosensors #photonics #optoelectronics #point-of-need

Short bio: Sebastian Wachsmann-Hogiu received his PhD in Experimental Physics from Humboldt University, Germany, in 2000. Since 2000, he held research and academic positions at Carnegie-Mellon University (2000-2002), Cedars-Sinai Medical Center (2002-2007), University of California Davis (2007-2019), and Intellectual Ventures Laboratory (2015-2016). He is currently Professor of Bioengineering (2017-), Director of the Bioengineering Undergraduate Program (2020-), Louis-Ho Faculty Scholar in Technological Innovation (2021-) at McGill University, Montreal Canada. His research is in the fields of nanobiomaterials, photonics and biophotonics, biosensors, point-of-need applications, global health, global development. He authored and co-authored more than 100 peer-reviewed articles, > 8,300 citations, h-index 42 (Google Scholar), several patents. He received research funding from NSF, NIH, NSERC, MITACS, CFI, DND, and private funding. He trained > 45 highly qualified personnel (graduate level and above).


Abstract: Optical image sensors are 2D arrays of pixels that integrate semiconductor photodiodes and field effect transistors for efficient photon conversion and processing of generated electrons. With technological advancements and subsequent democratization of these sensors, opportunities for lens-less imaging and integration with microfluidics devices for biosensing applications are currently explored. 2D pixel arrays of such optical image sensors can reach dimensions larger than one centimeter with a sub-micrometer pixel size, allowing for high spatial resolution with large field of view. Integration of these sensors with microfluidics and sample handling offers new potential for biosensing at the point-of-care or point-of-need. In this presentation I will highlight technology advancements made in my lab, as well as applications.

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